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Here you could include a quote of an example of how you have helped with information and signposting. EG - " Thanks so much for giving me the information I needed to find a suitable care home for my Mum."
Latest reports and publication
Report of Engagement with People with Vision Impairment
We spoke with 55 people with vision impairment and also…
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Information and Support Available to People Living with Dementia and their Carers After Diagnosis
As a County with a higher than average older population the challenge…
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Advice and information
Contacts for making a complaint in Worcestershire
Our complaints guides give you the information and contact details that you need to make a complaint about publicly funded health and social care…
Plain English Jargon Buster
Sometimes health and social care services use abbreviations, words and phrases that many of us find difficult to understand.
Find Social Care Services in Worcestershire
If you are looking for social care in Worcestershire and don't know where to start, these organisations listed below may be able to help.
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