Contacts for making a complaint in Worcestershire

Complaints about health services
Our complaints guides give you the information and contact details that you need to make a complaint about publicly funded NHS services in Worcestershire.
Top Tips
Tips on making a complaint to the NHS
Tips on making a complaint to the NHS in England | Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO)
Healthwatch Worcestershire Health Complaints Guide
Healthwatch Worcestershire Health Complaints Guide - Easy Read
Healthwatch Worcestershire Health Complaints Guide - Large Print
Complaints about social care services
Our complaints guide gives you the information and contact details that you need to make a complaint about social care services in Worcestershire.
Top Tips
Tips on making a complaint about social care services:
Top tips for making a complaint - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Healthwatch Worcestershire Social Care Complaints Guide
Healthwatch Worcestershire Social Care Complaints Guide - Easy Read
Healthwatch Worcestershire Social Care Complaints Guide - Large Print
I’ve made a complaint, what happens next?
The service you have complained to should always acknowledge your complaint and respond with how they intend to investigate.
The organisation should then investigate your complaint and resolve the problem quickly and efficiently. They should also keep you fully informed about how the investigation is going.
You may be invited to a meeting to discuss your complaint or offer mediation or other help to resolve the complaint. It’s good practice to allow you to be accompanied to any meeting – so don’t feel like you need to go alone.
Once they have investigated your complaint, they must then respond to you. Their response should:
- Explain how the complaint has been investigated
- Explain the conclusions they have reached, including any action they intend to take to resolve the situation
- Give details of how to escalate your complaint if you are not satisfied with the response.
If you have followed the complaints procedure but do not think the issue has been resolved or are unhappy with the outcome you can ask for an independent review:
- NHS - Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman
Social Care - Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman
Regulatory bodies
Care Quality Commission is the independent regulator of health and social care in England. CQC are not responsible for dealing with individual complaints, but if your experience raises concerns over the service, it may wish to investigate further.
Professional regulation | NHS Employers you can report a healthcare professional to their regulatory body in cases of professional misconduct.