Suzy James
Engagement Officer
Suzy leads on Dementia, Mental Health, Prisoner Healthcare, Carers, LGBT+,Volunteering and the Redditch, Bromsgrove and Worcester City area.
Direct Line: 01386 565952
Mobile: 07484 922858
Email: suzyjames@healthwatchworcestershire.co.uk
Margaret Reilly
Engagement Officer
Margaret leads on Dentists, Adult Social Care, Outpatients, Pharmacy, GP’s and the Wyre Forest area.
Direct Line: 01386 565951
Mobile: 07767 114095
Email: mreilly@healthwatchworcestershire.co.uk
Nicola Longworth-Cook
Associate Engagement Officer
Nicola leads on Children, Young People and the Malvern Hills and Teme valley area.
Direct Line: 01386 565952
Mobile: 07790 771855
Email: nicolalongworth-cook@healthwatchworcestershire.co.uk
Victoria Walsh
Associate Engagement Officer
Victoria leads on all things communications e.g. website, social media, press queries and covers the Westlands area in Droitwich.
Direct Line: 01386 552716
Mobile: 07890981911
Email: victoriawalsh@healthwatchworcestershire.co.uk