Healthwatch Worcestershire is led by its Board. The Board is made up of the seven Directors of the company and up to six members of the Company’s membership scheme who have been co-opted as Board members. The Co-opted members attend the Public Board meetings of Healthwatch Worcestershire as ‘non-voting participants’ as they are not Directors of the Company.

The arrangements for the appointment of the Directors are set out in Healthwatch Worcestershire’s Articles of Association and those for the Co-opted Members in the Terms of Reference for the role.

The Directors, in accordance with the Company’s Act, are responsible for decision making, Those decisions which relate to the operational activities of Healthwatch Worcestershire are known as Relevant Decisions and are taken in accordance with the company’s ‘Relevant Decision Making Policy’ which ensures the public are involved. A record of ‘Relevant Decisions’ are published by Healthwatch Worcestershire in the ‘Relevant Decision’ log

Healthwatch Worcestershire’s Board meets in public six times a year, and to reflect the county-wide nature of Healthwatch Worcestershire’s responsibilities the meetings are moved around the county. The minutes of Public Board Meetings are published on this website, as are the Dates and Venues of future meetings.
