Healthwatch Worcestershire (HWW) Concerns / Complaints Policy
Who can raise a concern or complaint?
Individuals and organisations have the right to express their views about HWW’s performance and the manner in which it discharges its responsibilities.
Anyone adversely affected by the way in which HWW has carried out its functions may express their concerns or make a complaint under this Policy.
We take all concerns and complaints seriously and will make every effort to resolve the matter as quickly as possible. We will use the information provided to improve our services and processes where appropriate in accordance with our Quality Management System.
Only representations made in accordance with this Policy will be considered under this procedure.
Please note – Contacting us by telephone:
Our telephones are usually unmanned. Please leave your name, contact details and a short message and we will get back to you within 5 working days.
How to raise a concern or make a complaint about HWW
1: In the first instance we would encourage you to raise your concern regarding our service informally. Providing information or correcting misunderstandings or misconceptions at this stage may enable the issue to be quickly and effectively resolved. You should contact the Managing Director by calling 01386 550264, or emailing
2: If the concern is not resolved to your satisfaction, then you should make a formal complaint to the Managing Director via
email –, or
by post – Simon Adams,
Healthwatch Worcestershire, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.
3: HWW will acknowledge receipt of the concern/complaint in writing by email or post (or in your preferred method of communication, if specified otherwise) within 5 working days.
4: Attempts to resolve the concern/complaint will be completed within 20 working days of establishing the nature of the concern/complaint. Exceptionally, if further time is needed, where possible this will be agreed with you.
5: The Managing Director (MD) of HWW will review all concerns/complaints, unless the matter refers to the MD (see paragraph 6).
6: Any concern/complaint relating to the Managing Director or member of the Board of HWW should be raised with the Chair:
Jo Ringshall, Chair,
Healthwatch Worcestershire, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.
Tel 07484 922857
7: Concern/complaints relating to the Chair should be raised with the Managing Director who will liaise with the other Board Directors:
Simon Adams, Managing Director,
Healthwatch Worcestershire, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT Tel: 01386 550264
8: We will not normally investigate anonymous complaints. However, the Managing Director or Chair, if appropriate, will determine whether the complaint warrants an investigation.
9: Under the terms of our contract with Worcestershire County Council, we will provide them with details of any concerns / complaints about our service and our response if / when requested to do so.
10: Concerns / Complaints will be reviewed periodically as part of our Continual Improvement processes (under our ISO9001 accreditation).
Resolving concerns / complaints
As appropriate, we will note whether the concern / complaint is upheld in whole or in part. In addition, we may offer one or more of the following:
- an explanation of our role and why we acted in the way we did,
- an acknowledgement that the situation could have been handled differently or better,
- an assurance that we will do our best to ensure that the adverse outcome identified in the matter raised will not recur
- an explanation of the steps that have been or will be taken to help ensure that it will not happen again and an indication of the timescales within which any changes will be made,
- an undertaking to review policies / procedures in light of an outcome that supports aspects of the concern / complaint,
- an apology, where appropriate.
If you are not satisfied that your concerns have been fully addressed, you will be able to raise your issues with the Chair.
This should be in writing by email or post to:
Jo Ringshall, Chair,
Healthwatch Worcestershire, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.
The matter will then be reviewed by HWW Board members who have not previously been involved. Once this part of the process has been completed you will be informed of the outcome, we will then consider the matter to be closed.
Review by: 11th August 2027